Pate makes a great fridge snack, as you can combine it with nearly anything else in your fridge or pantry like crackers or celery sticks. Best of all the bright bright green of the peas makes an excellent contrast, making it an excellent smile-inducing finger food for an outdoor garden party.

What you'll use from your bag:
All the sugar snaps (appx 1 cup)
2 small, or 1 medium turnip
1 Shunkyo radish (oblong), and 2 pink beauty radishes to serve
2 stalks of fresh oregano
1/2 small bulb of spring garlic, reserve green to serve
1 leaf Winter Density Lettuce, to serve
What else you'll need:
1 tsp dried tarragon, or 2 pieces fresh, and a pinch to garnish
1/4 tsp ginger powder
1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup vegetable broth
pinch of sea salt
Almonds, Walnuts, Red Bell Pepper, Smoked Paprika

First, you'll wash and pre-chop,
Chopping the radish, garlic, and turnip into smaller pieces helps the mixture blend up better. If you prefer, now is when you may remove the roots or stalks to any vegetables.
Next, you'll add the pate ingredients to your food processor or blender:
All the snap peas, the turnips, the oblong radish, the oregano, the spring garlic, the tarragon, the ginger, the vinegar, the broth, and the salt, into the processor or blender on high for 1 minute. Scrape down the sides and mix to ensure thorough blending, and blend for 30 seconds more. Taste. If too bitter, try adding a splash more vinegar, or a pinch of your sweetener of choice. If too light, add a pinch of paprika now and more to garnish.

Now, Serve it your way!
Best if chilled 15-20 minutes before serving. Here are some ideas:
On a round slice of a Pink Lady Radish from your bag, add a dollop of pea pate, and dress with slivers of the green spring garlic, 1 sliced almond, and dust with smoked paprika. The finish is complex and the texture keeps you till the last bite.

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